AI generated image of a bus
Doorify Express

Three Years of Acceleration

Three years ago, I stepped into the role of Executive Director, ready to navigate an industry undergoing rapid change. Reflecting on this journey, it often feels like we’re living in the movie Speed—where the bus, wired with an accelerometer, must stay above 50 mph or risk disaster. In our industry, the stakes are just as high. Slowing down isn’t an option. But while it can feel intense, it’s also exhilarating when the team and the enterprise rise to meet the challenge.

Thankfully, in this version of Speed, there are no bombs (just the occasional exploding inbox). Instead, we’ve had three years of keeping the momentum going, steering through challenges, and proving what’s possible when everyone is committed to moving forward.

Over the past three years:

  • We’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in professional development to upskill our staff of 30. It turns out, you can teach an old dog new tricks—or at least teach a team to master the latest systems, tools, and industry best practices!
  • We’ve rebuilt the foundation of our information systems, ensuring the enterprise is not just a “bus,” but a state-of-the-art vehicle capable of handling the demands of a rapidly evolving industry.
  • And together, we’ve earned industry recognition, including multiple awards and the tremendous honor of being named Executive of the Year this year (which I still find surreal—I keep checking to make sure there wasn’t a clerical error).

Of course, none of this would have been possible without the trust and support of our incredible Board of Directors, who didn’t blink when I suggested this wild ride; our dedicated team, who kept the wheels turning; and the coffee machine, which deserves a medal of its own.

This journey hasn’t been without its moments of doubt. Sometimes it felt like we were going too fast to process it all—but every milestone, every challenge, and every success has been a reminder that staying above “50 mph” isn’t just necessary; it’s how we thrive.

As we celebrate three years of acceleration, I can’t help but wonder: If we’ve done this much in three years, what’s next? (Hopefully, less swerving and more cruise control—but knowing us, it’s full speed ahead!)

To the Board, the team, and everyone who’s been part of this high-speed adventure: Thank you. Here’s to the next chapter, where we’ll keep innovating, adapting, and accelerating toward success.

Pop quiz, hotshot: Are you ready for what’s next?

This expanded version keeps the metaphor alive while adding light humor and a personal touch. Let me know if you’d like any adjustments!

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