Beto is a high tech guru, writes his own blog ( and is a second semester freshman at Universidad Anahuac Mayab in Merida Mexico.  Our group has helped Beto’s father Ezequiel with Beto’s tuition, but this year we needed to help way less than we expected.

Apparently Beto’s grades were SO GOOD that they gave him a 50% scholarship second semester!  He’s really smart apparently!

So Beto has a great family, his Mom and Dad are GREAT parents and support him and his brothers with a strong Christian home.  They attend Shalom Church in Merida and have started a mission church in nearby Dzitya.  We have helped a little with some construction funds and two work weeks by the Youth from First Pres.  But the Aguilar’s are there every week doing music and giving a message, helping out pastor Lorenzo.

Check out Beto’s blog and follow his progress.  It would be wonderful if you’d give him some encouragement!  Thanks in advance everyone!

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